Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring is here - Even if it snowed!

I resisted long enough!!!  I finished up all the orders I had for hats and couldn't hold off on making baby dresses any longer.  As I was making them last summer, I wrote directions down for each design.  That notebook is somewhere in this house, but I haven't found it yet.  There have been so many people asking for the patterns that I decided to make more and write them up as I go - AND type them up when I'm finished so they won't get lost again. 

This dress was finished yesterday and the pattern is being tested by someone else as we speak.  Most of my dresses can be made using 1 skein of Caron Simply Soft yarn.  The buttons and ribbon I was able to find totally complete the dress!

This one is called "Ribbon & Lace"  and will be for sale in my etsy shop within the next week or 2 
and in my FaceBook shop

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bzz Review for Comforts Brand

As many of you know, I am a Bzz Agent and receive free products to try and give my opinion on.  The most recent product was the Comforts brand wetwipes and sippy cups.  I received 1 box of wetwipes and 2 sippy cups shown here:
First, the wetwipes:  I really liked them.  I had never tried Comforts wipes prior to this campain.  They are a strong wipe and you won't have to worry about them ripping when you are changing a diaper.  The only thing I did not like was the moisture.  I prefer wipes with a little more moisture than these had, but that is is personal preference - it doesn't make them bad.

Second is the sippy cups:  These were Great!  I love that the lid for the cup is connected and even better...there is a spot for it to hide when your child is drinking and it won't get in their way.  I wish I had known about these a year or so ago. 

Comforts also has diapers, training pants, and formula and is sold in Kroger stores such as Smith's, FredMeyers and Ralphs. 

I also received some coupons for 20% off  and have some left.  If anyone is interested in a coupon, let me know and I will send one to you.

<img src="" alt=""/>

Monday, February 13, 2012

NFL Hat Collection

The latest NFL hat is the Houston Texans.  I still have a bunch of team logos that I'm working on making hats for.  The collection is now over 20 teams.  When I started this project, I never imagined it would go this far, but I'm excited that everyone is loving them. 

If there is a team logo you are looking for and would like to either buy some hats or just the logos, let me know and I will see if it's available.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lady Bug

Every once in a while, I have to take a break from hat orders and make something else.  I'm really getting the itch to make more baby dresses, but have resisted so far.

 A week or so ago, I decided to order some patterns for photo props from Calleighs Clips (linked here)!/Calleighsclips?sk=app_169505045786  My sister is a photographer and is always doing so much for the rest of the family - I thought it would be great to so something for her.  Here is the first of many to come photo props I get to surprise her with :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SuperBowl Contest/Giveaway

I decided to have a little fun with the SuperBowl coming up this weekend.  I am hosting a contest over on my facebook page for a chance to win your choice of an NFL hat.  All you have to do is head over to Crafting Friends facebook page:

Find the post for the contests and leave a comment letting me know who you think will win.  (you must "like" the page in order to be entered)  Those who choose the winning team will be entered in a drawing for their choice of one of my NFL hats!  I must have at least 20 comments for it to be worth while, so once you get there, please share the post with your family and friends.  Good Luck everyone - Lets make this fun!
This is available in Youth/sm adult size.
Any other, will be a different version of logo

I do have logos for a few other teams that I have not had time to make hats for yet.  If your favorite team is not pictured here, let me know what it is and I will see if the logo is available.  I also am accepting new orders.  Just click on the "shop now" on the left side of the facebook page to take you to my shop. 

Thanks for your support!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Valentines Scarves

The newest creations I've been working on:  Red scarves for Valentines (or any other day you need a red accent) 

The first one I made using the waffle stitch - at least how I think the waffle stitch is.  It looks slightly different than what I remember from another blanket, and maybe I should have looked up directions to make sure I was doing it right.  Even if it's not correct, I like how it turned out.

It is 4 ft in length and 5-6" in width.  I love the texture on it, though I can't decide if I want to put fringe on the ends or not....(I'm leaning towards - yes)

Don't you just love my lampshade as the model?  One of thes days I will break down and buy one of those fake head displays to use for pictures - but until then - work with what ya got!

This second one was a little harder to get a picture of the texture.  My camera kept wanting to take a photo of just a plain red scarf.  It isn't even close to being finished, but I love it and couldn't wait to share.  I have the directions written down and graphed already in order to post it for sale when I have a final picture.

I love how the hearts turned out.  What do you think?  My next one, I'm going to do the hearts a different color than the main scarf and see how that turns out.  Now, I'm sure there are most likely other things out there that are similar to this, but it was fun to come up with my own.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Family of hats

Yesterday's project: Matching hats for a grandma and 2 great-grandaughters :)  Such a cute idea.  The pattern for the large hat is from DaisyEzyCraft on etsy and can be found here:

I thought the pattern was easy to follow.  The only issue was the pattern was only for an adult, so I had to just adjust it for the smaller versions.  I love the baby size (anything baby is cute). 

Wishing you all a warm, safe and wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Blog updates

Can someone tell me why blogger sometimes sends out duplicate posts?  To those of you who follow by email, I appologize.  I don't understand why you have received duplicate emails of posts from days earlier.  I don't know how 2 posts were updated or posted an hour ago - since we weren't home.  I noticed it when I checked out the blog list I follow and mine were on top.

Has anyone else had this issue, and if so, how did you fix it? 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Utah Jazz

I had a request to make a Utah Jazz scarf, but they wanted the Jazz logo to be part of the scarf pattern and not on top.

The only graph I have ever made or followed, was for the American flag afghan I made for a Veteran in my town. (he was an amazing man and I knew he would appreciate it and respect it).  The flag afghan really only used 1 or maybe 2 strands of yarn attached at the same time, so it was not difficult at all.  This project, I knew would take some thinking and many working strands of yarn at a time.

I graphed out the logo and started crocheting.  The first attempt didn't work out how I thought it should, so I ripped it apart :(  I re-graphed it again, hoping to make it better and sure enough - after crocheting a bit - I didn't like that either... so, I slept on it and decided to pick it up again the next day.  This time, I altered the way I did the stitches just a little and was on a roll!!!  I started the graph on Jan 16th and here it is the 20th and this is what I have accomplished.

I'm quite pleased with it and have graphed it out on the computer for future use.

It could be worked into so many differnt things- scarf, pillow, frame it and hang it, but that will have to wait for now.  I have a bunch of hats that need to be made.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  Keep it safe and stay warm