Thursday, November 15, 2012

21 Days of Thankful Giveaway Day 15

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today's pattern for the giveaway is the Princess Britt Infant Size.   This is one of my favorites!  And with the release of my Bubble Baby Sweater,  It would be a cute outfit for christmas for any little one. 

The Bubble Baby Sweater pattern can be purchased
on Ravery:

or on Craftsy:

Today, I just want to let you all know how Thankful I am for you!!!  When I started all of this blogging/FaceBook stuff for my craft, I never imagined it would grow so much and it's all thanks to you.  I know that the #'s of fans don't really count because not everyone "truely" follows, but I have made many, many True friends who I may have never met, but have made a difference in my life and I thank each and every one of you :)
Remember: Only 1 prize/person, so if you have already won a pattern in this giveaway and enter again, your entry will be deleted to give others a chance to win.  Exchanges will not be given.
Thanks again to all of you who support Crafting Friends!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

21 Days of Thankful Giveaway Day 14

a Rafflecopter giveaway

As you saw in a previous photo from this giveaway, I live near the mountains. I have mentioned that one of my favorite things to do as a family is ride through the mountains during the fall to see the leaves change colors and the wildlife. 

I am thankful that my daughters all have an appreciation for animals (pets and wildlife).  This tiny little guy found it's way to our friends house and Brook was able to pet it.  Very Cool!  I Love wildlife and my favorite to see is the Grey Wolf.  I know they can be destructive, but they are beautiful.  I would love to have a tiny dog for a house pet, but my allergies will not allow it right now.  We do have a Red Heeler that Brodie has had forever and he is spoiled by the girls.  He is a good dog and is getting old, so I do feel bad that he is outside.  I have put quilts in his doghouse to help keep him warm and the stinker always pulls them out.  The girls will let him in every once in a while because they feel bad that it's cold out side, and I'll let him stay for a bit, but I get stuffed up quick :(
The pattern for today's giveaway is the Emerald City Child size.  Congrats to all those who have won so far and good luck to everyone who enters over the next week!

Remember: Only 1 prize/winner.  Duplicate enterants will be deleted.  Exchanges are not allowed.
Happy Wednesday my Friends!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

21 Days of Thankful Giveaway Day 13

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today I am thankful for Creativity.  If you would have asked me just over a year ago to crochet some baby clothing, I probably would have said no.  For some reason, it intimidated me.  Yet, here we are a year later and I am designing my own clothing patterns :)  I Love it and have enjoyed seeing the finished items, hearing my girls compliment everything I do and also being able to see what others have made with my patterns and little ones wearing things I designed!  What a joy it has brought to my life.

I will be releasing my Bubble Baby Sweater pattern tomorrow (size 0-3mo only) SO,  for today's giveaway, I will have 2 winners.  The first winner chosen will receive the Emerald City Toddler pattern.  The second winner chosen will receive the Bubble Baby Sweater pattern.

Remember - ONLY 1 prize per winner throughout this giveaway.  Any enterants who have already won will be deleted in order to give everyone a chance to win.  Exchanges will not be given.
Good Luck!