Tuesday, November 6, 2012

21 Days of Thankful Giveaway Day 6

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today, I am thankful that I live in a country where I have a say in who is the leader!  I'm also thankful that we will not have to see and listen to any more debates and political ads.  We all have the right to our own opinions and it's amazing how nasty some people can be if you don't agree with them :(  I hope everyone will respect others right to their own views and opinions - even if you don't agree.

Today's pattern giveaway is for the Snap Dragon Toddler Size

Monday, November 5, 2012

21 Days of Thankful Giveaway Day 5

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Monday morning my friends.  I hope you all had a safe and fantastic weekend! 

Today, I am thankful that the crazy nightmares I have everyonce in a while will never come true!  I had a scary one last night that was so real, I woke up in a panic.  My heart was racing and stomach upset and mind was going 100 miles an hour and it took a while to settle back down enough to just relax.  Hate it when that happens!!!

Today's pattern for the giveaway is the Snap Dragon Infant size pattern.
Only 1 prize/person and exchanges are not allowed.  Pattern will automatically be sent to the winner.

Thanks everyone for following Crafting Friends :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

21 Days of Thankful Giveaway Day 4

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am very thankful that I learned how to crochet.  My mom taught me when I was about 10 yrs old.  I have made over 100 afghans and have photos of most of them.  Some were sold, others were made for humanitarian projects for my church, a few were given as a service to some families who were in a pinch during the holidays (they don't know where they came from since I personally don't know them).  Every member of my family has at least 1 of my blankets and it is comforting to me that they can wrap up in it and it's like getting a hug from me if needed. 

I have only been designing baby dresses for the last year and to be honest, it's hard to work on afghans now...lol.  The dresses are so quick and fun to do!  It warms my heart when I see a little baby wearing something I have designed and my toddlers are my biggest support.  They are constantly telling me how cute everything is and what colors to use for their next dresses.  I love that they are so happy to wear something I have made :) 

The pattern for today's giveaway is the Shell Brook Toddler size.  All you have to do is click on the giveaway tab at the top of the page to enter.  Only 1 prize/person and no exchanges.  Patterns will be automatically sent to the winner chosen.  Good luck to everyone and I hope you are having a great weekend!